Introducing: our new logo

Images for illustrative purposes only.

Our new icon is a stylized 'B' with inspiration from three main elements that tie into our Core Focus:

1. Hands clasped together

United, serving, people.

2. Link in a chain

Strong, linked, working together.

3. Hexagonal shape

Interconnected, structured, supportive.

Our new wordmark is an evolution of our old logo, but with added clarity.


We kept the sizing similar

The 'R'

We kept the letter styling


We integrated the slash (subtly)

Our Core Focus is a foundational part of our identity:

“Serving People” is fundamentally who we want to be – people who (live to) serve each other, our customers, our communities.
“Supporting Infrastructure” is what Bartels Group Inc. actively provides to our operating companies, allowing them to focus on specific service offerings that align with this overall core focus.
“People supporting Infrastructure” is who we serve within the marketplace. We don’t own the infrastructure, but we serve those people who actively construct, operate, and maintain these assets. They are the people who keep the lights and heat on, clean water flowing, provide clean drinking water and sanitation, grow our food, and keep us connected.

Our Core Focus is integral to our identity:

“Serving People” is fundamentally who we want to be – people who (live to) serve each other, our customers, our communities.
“Supporting Infrastructure” is what Bartels Group Inc. actively provides to our operating companies, allowing them to focus on specific service offerings that align with this overall core focus.
“People supporting Infrastructure” is who we serve within the marketplace. We don’t own the infrastructure, but we serve those people who actively construct, operate, and maintain these assets. They are the people who keep the lights and heat on, clean water flowing, provide clean drinking water and sanitation, grow our food, and keep us connected.