

Organic Waste


Partnering with municipalities and farmers to facilitate safe and beneficial reuse of biosolids through land application, diverting this resource from landfill, reducing the need for commercial, synthetic fertilizers.
Whether you’re filling up your storages for later use, or need it delivered in time for your application processes, Bartels Environmental Services will work with you to facilitate the most efficient results.
NASM or Non-NASM. Manure. Digestate. From analysis and soil sampling, to nutrient management plan development, through to land application, you can count on Bartels Environmental Services Inc. to optimize and coordinate your soil nutrient management projects from start to finish.
Bartels Environmental Services Inc. offers a variety of land application methods, including spreading, drag line, direct injection, and vertical tillage. We’re farmers too, and are committed to the principle of stewardship, including the ethical and beneficial reuse of source material for crops.
We are a recognized industry leader and Ontario’s sustainable solution for soil nutrient management, we transport and land apply both NASM and non-NASM source material for beneficial reuse on agricultural land, limiting the need for commercial, synthetic fertilizers.